Friday, May 29, 2009

New Funding Opportunity--Student Mock Elections

The U.S. Election Assistance Commission has made available up to $300,000 in grant funds for the first year of a two-year award to organize and administer mock elections for High School students. The application deadline is June 30, 2009 5:00 p.m. Eastern Time. The purpose of the program is to allow students to become more familiar with voting processes and technologies so that when they become eligible to vote they will be more comfortable with their civic duties.
Mark W. Abbott, PhD Director of Grants U.S. Election Assistance Commission 1225 New York Avenue, NW Suite 1100 Washington, D.C. 20005 Ph 202-566-2166 BB 202-621-3015 Fax 202-566-3128

Nice attention for service-learning: coverage in this month's ASCD Educational Leadership

Dear colleagues,

I just got done checking out this month's Educational Leadership from ASCD and was excited to see that it gave some cool (and well-deserved) attention to service-learning! Service-learning is front and center in two articles in this special issue on Teaching Social Responsibility!

You can check out the short article, "Service Learning and Civic Participation" at

And "A Culture of Service Learning" at

And the whole issue is worth a read so see the table of contents at




Liberty Smith, Ph.D.

Program Manager Learn and Serve America's National Service-Learning Clearinghouse America's Resource for Service-Learning Information Toll-free 866-245-7378, ext. 139 Fax 831-430-9471


Visit and join the NSLC Facebook Fan page at:

Can service-learning help solve the current crisis? Discuss: Service-Learning = Solutions Blog

Environmental service news from EarthTeam

ET Header
In This Issue
Carbon Reduction Raffle Winners
Sign up for our Summer Restoration Program
Visuals & Voices Winners
West Oakland Green Scene Celebration
Bay Nature Photo Contest
Oakland Port Commission Hearing
Aqua Team support ET image
Earthteam needs your support to strengthen our capacity to create a new generation of environmental leaders. Please click here to make a donation.
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Upcoming EarthTeam Events:
5/28: Environmental justice presentation at Hercules HS 6/3: Waste audit at Miramonte HS 6/3: Waste audit at Pittsburg HS 6/2: Something's in the Air students attending Oakland Port Commision Community Meeting 6/4-6/7: EarthTeam presenting at PLANet Youth conference 6/6: San Francisco Youth Unity Eco-Fest 6/6: West Oakland Green Scene event at Middle Harbor Shoreline Park
Featured Article
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Join Our Mailing List
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2530 San Pablo Ave, Suite L Berkeley, CA 94702 510-704-4030
Congratulations to EarthTeam's Carbon Reduction Raffle Winners
Cool schools iconSix schools ran the Carbon Reduction Raffle this spring, challenging students to try seven different carbon-reducing actions to lighten their carbon footprint and be entered in a raffle for a $100 grand prize! This year's raffle winners include:
  • Theo Nasser from Aragon HS, who won for taking shorter showers (5 minutes).
  • Nargess Anwar from Walters Jr. High, who won for updating two light bulbs at home with energy-saving CFLs. She also completed two other actions: walking to school instead of driving/riding in a car, and eating vegetarian for a couple days.
  • Norman Zhong from San Lorenzo HS, who won for carpooling to school. He also ate vegan for two days, and switched-out two regular light bulbs with CFLs.
  • Clayton Valley HS chose to have four winners for their raffle and to divide the prize money among these winners. They also customized the raffle by adding several additional carbon-reducing actions to the list. Jackie Grohs won for planting two lilac trees, Ben O'Connor won for installing two low flow showerheads, Angela Oliva won for carpooling, and Jason Baker won for planting a pine tree/douglas fir.
Schools Lightening Their Footprints:
Students at the schools participating in the raffle reduced the following amounts of carbon dioxide, a greenhouse gas that contributes to global warming:
  • Aragon HS saved 37,074 lbs of CO2
  • Walters Jr. High saved 38,936 lbs of CO2
  • San Lorenzo HS saved 42,154.3 lbs of CO2
  • Clayton Valley HS saved 10,906 lbs of CO2*
*not including the pounds of CO2 saved from some of their harder-to-calculate carbon-saving actions, like bringing a zero-waste lunch for a week, eating more local/in-season produce, or the family who replaced an old water heater with a new Energy Star one, etc.! STAYED TUNED to learn about the raffle results of College Park HS & Pinole Valley HS!
Looking for Richmond Teens to Participate in the SUMMER RESTORATION PROGRAM Sponsored by Community Youth Council for Leadership and Education (CYCLE) & EarthTeam
cycle image
EarthTeam is excited to once again partner with CYCLE to offer two 2-week summer restoration sessions to Richmond teens this July. Participants will take part in activities including water and air testing, shoreline clean-ups, team building activities, nature hikes in East Bay Regional Parks, community garden work, and much more. Weekly stipends will be awarded to all participants. Program Dates:
Session I: July 6- July 17 Session II: July 20- July 31
About CYCLE: CYCLE, which is the only non profit Iron Triangle group working to link youth to the environment, has a history of working with environmental groups and introducing inner city youth to environmental and scientific investigations. To apply for this program, or to find out more, please contact Kevin Sherrill at You can also visit EarthTeam's homepage to download an application.
The winners of this year's Visuals and Voices contest were announced at EarthTeam's Year-End Celebration, which was held earlier this month. Congratulations to the following winners, who were selected by a panel of artists and writers: Grand Prize for the Global Warming Theme: Zach Watson, Joaquin Moraga MS Art, High School 1st -- Na'Sheela Conn, West County Community HS 2nd -- Olivia Shetler, School of the Arts Group Award -- Art Class at St. Ignatius HS Honorable Mention -- Xavier Russo, St. Ignatius College Prep Art, Middle School 1st -- Diana Kossakowski, Joaquin Moraga MS 2nd -- Thibaut Hardin, Joaquin Moraga MS Group Award -- Helms MS Poetry, High School 1st -- Susanna Grohm St. Ignatius HS 2nd -- Cynthia Ruiz, West County Community HS Honorable Mention -- Zachary Darwish, Skyline HS Photography, High School 1st -- Kim Bowen, Skyline HS 2nd -- Raenn Haro, Clayton Valley HS Honorable Mention -- Erin Cherry, Miramonte HS Photography Middle School 1st -- Caitlin Burnite, Joaquin Moraga MS This year, EarthTeam created a new category for Visuals & Voices, the Green Idol Awards. These winners were chosen based on the number of votes that each Green News submission received. Any visitor to the Green News website was eligible to vote. The Green Idol winners are: Poetry -- Annalyse Sheppard, St. Ignatius HS Interview -- Eveline Hooper, Sycamore Tree Academy Article -- Aiman Arif, California Virtual Academy Photography -- David Kant, Campolindo HS Art -- Vancey Le, San Lorenzo HS green idol winner Bridge, by Vancy Le Click here to visit the Green News website to see more student art, photography, writing, and videos.
SITA Students Attending the Oakland Port Commission Hearing
SITA photo EarthTeam and New Voices are Rising will be taking a group of Richmond high school students to an Oakland Port Commission hearing on Tuesday, June 2nd. These students have participated in EarthTeam's Something's in the Air -- Asthma Education Project, where they learned about diesel pollution's effect on the health of their community. STAY TUNED for details on the outcome of these students' actions.
Join EarthTeam at West Oakland's Green Scene Celebration!
EarthTeam will be participating in the West Oakland Green Scene event -- a free eco-community fun fair for a better planet.
Middle Harbor Shoreline Park Saturday, June 6th * 11am-4pm .Green Scene photo
Visit the EcoVillage
  • Learn about EarthTeam and other groups in attendance, including People's Grocery, OBUGS, Rising Sun Energy, MoBetter Foods, Green For All, Urban Releaf, and City Slicker Farms.
Family Fun Entertainment!
  • ArtEsteem Children's Drumming, Prescott Circus, recycled crafts by MOCHA to go, and Emeryville Taiko
Blues Music
  • Caravan of All Stars
The event will be at Middle Harbor Shoreline Park:
Middle Harbor Road, Oakland, CA Parking is limited: ride a bike or take the hydrogen fuel-celled AC Transit Bus #13
(departs every ½ hour from West Oakland BART).
This event is sponsored by East Bay Regional Parks District, Port of Oakland, and AC Transit
Enter Bay Nature Magazine's Photo Contestbay nature logo
Our friends at Bay Nature are holding a photo contest for pictures taken in East Bay Regional Parks.
If you love photography and the East Bay Regional Parks, Nature Magazine wants to hear from you! The East Bay Regional Park District is turning 75 this year, and Bay Nature magazine is celebrating with a special article and photo spread in their October 2009 issue. So they are asking photographers to send their best images of the landscapes, wildlife, and people of the East Bay Regional parks. The winning photos will be published in the October 2009 issue; winners will also receive cash and other prizes. Submissions are to be sent in through Bay Nature's Flickr group and must be received by July 20, 2009. Click here for full guidelines and submission instructions.
* DONATE! CLICK HERE to donate on-line, or mail your tax-deductible donation to EarthTeam Network, 2530 San Pablo Ave., Suite L, Berkeley, CA 94702 * PARTNER! EarthTeam thrives through partnerships with other organizations, businesses, and agencies. Contact us if you are interested in partnering with us on any of the projects listed in this email. * VOLUNTEER! We are always looking for volunteers to help with a variety of EarthTeam programs and projects. From grant writing to office assistance, we look forward to working with your interests, skills, and time. To volunteer, contact Sheilah Fish at or 925-878-9288.

GYSD & Gardening Funding Opportunity

*Lead Agency Applications Invited for 2010 Global Youth Service Day

Grants of $2,000 plus travel expenses to attend the Youth Service
Institute in Washington, D.C., will be awarded to youth-focused
nonprofits selected to be lead agencies for Global Youth Service Day
in April 2010....

Posted on May 29, 2009
Deadline: July 17, 2009

*National Gardening Association Announces Continuation of Youth Garden
Grants Program
Gifts of teaching materials and merchandise credits of up to $1,000
will be given to schools and community organizations providing
gardening programs for children between the ages of 3 and 18....

Posted on May 26, 2009
Deadline: November 2, 2009

Educational Leadership volume on social responsibility

Information release from ASCD on this month's Educational Leadership.   Lots of good articles on service-learning and civic responsibility.
  • What the Research Says About ... Service Learning and Civic Participation
    Service learning promotes good deeds and academic achievement, but its greater potential lies in preparing students to be engaged citizens. Roughly one-quarter of all schools engage at least some of their students in service learning projects. The latest Educational Leadership highlights several studies in the past decade that have addressed the role that service learning can play in increasing students' commitment to civic participation. The strongest effects have generally been found for service learning programs that have the explicit aim of developing active citizenship, in contrast with those that emphasize community service and character building. LinkedInFacebookTwitterEmail this Story

    Willie Brown Kids & Civic Leaders Join Forces

    Willie Brown Kids

    Celebrate Civic Leaders A theatrical production & art exhibitions presented by community elders & students of Willie L. Brown, Jr. Academy In collaboration with SFUSD ExCEL Afterschool Programs & The Bayview Opera House Produced by Think Round, Inc. & Pathlight Productions

    Thursday, June 4, 2009, 1-2:30 pm

    Please join students & senior leaders for fun, food & follies at:

    Bayview Opera House 4705 Third Street, SF, 94124 --------------------------------------------------

    May 30 through September 3, 2009 · Enjoy student artworks at:

    Southeast Community Facility Alex Pitcher Room · M-F, 8am-3:30pm & Bayview Library · History Room · M, T, Sat 10-6, W 1-8, Th 10-8, F 1-6, Sun 1-5

    For more information call Heidi at 415.602.9599 or the BVOH at 415.824.0386

    This production & these exhibits were produced by Think Round, Inc. & Pathlight Productions for the SFUSD ExCEL After School Programs & the Bayview Opera House Jr. Drama & Sr. Multi-Arts Programs.

    The production & exhibits were funded in part by the SF Arts Commission, the SF Hotel Tax Fund/Grants for the Arts, the SF Unified School District?s ExCEL After School Program, School Health Programs Department & Cesar Chavez Clubs.

    Please open attachments to see beautiful artwork by eighth grader, Brandy Windom of Eloise Westbrook, and to learn more about other seniors involved--including Espanola Jackson and Shirley Jones!

    PLEASE POST or forward to your lists this invitation and release about our multi-generational, multi-arts programs...

    (Forgive any duplicate mailings!)

    Sincerely, Heidi Heidi Hardin, Executive Director

    Think Round, Inc. ________ Makers & Managers of Today &Tomorrow!

    1220 Ellis Street, Suite 2 San Francisco, CA 94109 Phone/Fax: (415) 771-2198 Cell Phone: (415) 602-9599 Email:

    The Benefits of Collaborating with National and Local Disability Organizations & Communities

    The Benefits of Collaborating with National and Local Disability Organizations & Communities As national service programs work to expand their networks and include individuals of all abilities, it is important to consider the benefits of partnering with disability organizations within your communities. The benefits of collaboration can enhance both your service program and the disability organization you partner with as you work toward mutual goals. By a national service program collaborating with a disability organization, benefits to national service programs include: * Speaking about national service at a disability-focused event, conference or job fair. * Having staff at a disability organization inform specific constituents about opportunities to serve within your program * Learning how to create inclusive advertising and materials for your program * Linking websites to increase the awareness of national service opportunities * Providing ideas, information and resources around reasonable accommodations, alternative formats, and assistive technology for current and future members with disabilities. * Developing an understanding of the principals of Universal Design (UD) and how to apply them to your program as you work to create a more inclusive service environment. * Knowledge about compliance with federal and state laws regarding disability * Having organizations conduct disability awareness trainings to your staff and service members * Partnering for an inclusive service project that benefits all members and the community. Partnering with national service programs also benefits the disability organizations/communities as they work to increase opportunities for their members. Benefits to the disability organization/communities include: * Increased knowledge about what opportunities are available for qualified individuals with disabilities in national and community service programs. * Awareness that your program is actively working to create an inclusive service environment. * Constituents affiliated with a disability organization are given the opportunity to expand their personal and professional growth and gain marketable skills for employment if they participate in service. * Having positive stories of individuals with disabilities who serve and what they have gained from the experience to share with others * Partnering for inclusive service projects that benefit current and potential members and the community Familiarize yourself with the organizations for people with disabilities in your community and then begin your outreach efforts. How you conduct your outreach may differ depending on the organization, but could include, setting up informational meetings or inviting the staff and constituents to attend an inclusive service event within your program. Make sure all meetings and/or events are inclusive of all participants. * How does your organization collaborate with national or local disability organizations and what mutual benefits have you noticed? Please share your experience so that we all can learn. Send responses to Sarah Kaplan at and they will be compiled for a future Inclusion Weekly. For more information about collaborating with disability organizations, please visit: Inclusion Handbook: Collaborations Telling Your Story to Attract Partners, Members and Volunteers Building Strategic Partnerships to Foster Inclusion We always look forward to serving you! Please feel free to contact us with any disability inclusion questions and requests for information at or 888-491-0326 (V/TTY). Visit for a list of trainings offered by NSIP. Yours in Service, Sarah Kaplan Training Associate National Service Inclusion Project The National Service Inclusion Project is a cooperative agreement (08TAHMA001) between the Corporation for National and Community Service and the Institute for Community Inclusion at UMass Boston in collaboration with the Association of University Centers on Disabilities, Association on Higher Education and Disability, National Council on Independent Living and National Down Syndrome Congress. Information contained in this email is for informational purposes only and does not imply endorsement from the National Service Inclusion Project or the Corporation for National and Community Service.

    Thursday, May 28, 2009

    Join Maria Shriver and California Volunteers on Monday, June 22

    *Volunteer to build a playground at Bret Harte Elementary: June 22*

    On Monday, June 22, California First Lady Maria Shriver and CaliforniaVolunteers, with the help of national nonprofit KaBOOM! and hundreds of volunteers will construct an intergenerational playground at Bret Harte Elementary School in San Francisco to celebrate the life and legacy of Cesar E. Chavez and his commitment to community service.

    California's First Lady Maria Shriver will help lead this one-day playground building project.

    We need volunteers to help assemble the playground, mural and garden.

    No experience is necessary.

    Volunteers are strongly encouraged to carpool as parking will be limited.  You should wear closed-toe shoes and comfortable clothing.

    This project requires some repetitive bending, lifting and standing.

    Volunteer spaces are limited and they will be filled on a first come, first serve basis. Please register as soon as possible.



    Service Initiative Call Friday May 29th, 1PM - Please sign up at

    The summer service initiative as announced by Mrs. Obama last week is a continuation of the good work that you have been doing for years, but it is also a new beginning – an opportunity to engage millions more in outcome-oriented service to their communities in a sustained, collaborative, and focused way. 


    To sign up for the May 29, 1PM please send an e-mail message to with May 29 in the subject line to confirm your attendance on the call.  You will receive an e-mail back with the dial-in information.



    June 22 – Sept 11, 2009

    This is an extraordinary moment in time. As Americans, we have a unique opportunity to come together and solve our nation's most vexing problems. In this spirit, President Obama is announcing a nationwide service initiative, the beginning of a sustained, collaborative, and focused effort to meet community needs and make service a way of life for all Americans.


    Focus: The Economic Recovery

    The Service initiative will empower Americans to participate in the economic recovery by:

    ·         Promoting clean energy, energy efficiency, and public land restoration.

    ·         Supporting education and literacy for all Americans.

    ·         Increasing health care access, public health awareness, and prevention.

    ·         Providing community renewal to areas hardest hit by the economic crisis.


    Purpose: A New Call to Service

    The Service initiative will take traditional calls to service further by:

    ·         Putting volunteers on a path to sustained service.

    ·         Asking volunteers to step up and become volunteer organizers by identifying unmet needs in their community, developing their own service projects, and engaging others who are interested in the same issue area.

    ·         Providing easy-to-use tools for volunteers to develop their own service projects, set outcome-oriented goals, and track their community impact.

    ·         Developing creative partnerships with a broad and diverse group of stakeholders, including nonprofits, faith-based groups, issue groups, labor unions, educational institutions, businesses, corporations, foundations, and all levels of government.


    We aim to use the convening power of the federal government to promote and highlight new and existing service projects, encourage volunteers to stay involved in their communities over time, and empower people from all walks of life to take a leadership role.  The Corporation for National and Community Service will be the key coordinating federal partner, working with the White House, federal agencies, and hundreds of nonprofit and community groups.  The Corporation can be reached at


    The Challenge: Help Needed, Capacity Stretched

    At a time when volunteers' help is most needed, the capacity of traditional service organizations to absorb volunteers has been stretched thin.  To help meet growing social needs resulting from the economic downturn, the Service initiative aims to both engage new volunteers in expanding the impact of existing organizations and to encourage "do-it-yourself" projects.



    The Service initiative – spanning 81 days, or just under 12 weeks – will officially kick off June 22 at the National Conference on Volunteering and Service. The White House will make a public announcement in early June, allowing adequate lead time for organizations to post opportunities and prepare to absorb new volunteers. The Service initiative will culminate with a National Day of Service and Remembrance on September 11, 2009. The culmination will provide an opportunity to recognize the summer's accomplishments, honor those who died on September 11, 2001 by serving in their memory, and encourage Americans to make an ongoing commitment to service.


    Service outreach funded by a gift from Target.

    Save the date! 2009 San Francisco Green Festival Seeking Volunteers: November 13-15


    You are subscribed as

    Save the date!

    2009 San Francisco Green Festival: November 13-15
    Volunteer registration will open in mid-August.  Stay tuned for email updates regarding volunteer registration!

    Global Exchange needs volunteers!
    Global Exchange is looking for volunteers to help with data entry of names from the Chicago Green Festival.  If you're willing to help, please contact Hope Joffrion (415-255-7296, or Kevin Danaher (415-255-2341,
    Have a great summer~
    Alesha Reardon
    National Volunteer Director
    Green Festivals

    Show Producers

    Green Festival, a joint project of Global Exchange and Green America, is the nation's largest, most successful green living event since 2002.

    Green America, formerly Coop America, is a national nonprofit organization founded in 1982, providing the economic strategies, organizing power and practicing tools for businesses and individuals to address today's social and environmental problems. Its Green Business Network is the largest national network of green businesses. All businesses that exhibit at the Green Festival are screened for their commitment to sustainability, ecological balance and social justice using Green America's green business standards.

    Global Exchange is a membership-based international human rights organization dedicated to promoting social, economic and environmental justice around the world. Since its founding in 1988, Global Exchange has successfully increased public awareness of root causes of injustice while building international partnerships and mobilizing for change.

    Upcoming Festivals

    San Francisco
    November 13-15, 2009

    Washington DC
    October 10th & 11th, 2009

    To stop receiving these emails please unsubscribe.
    Green Festivals, 1-800-58-GREEN

    Inclusive Service Learning Opportunities: Connections with LRE

    Inclusive Service Learning Opportunities: Connections with LRE

    You are invited to participate in a Webinar on "Inclusive Service Learning Opportunities" for students with disabilities. The Webinar is sponsored by the LRE-Part B Community of Practice. There is no cost for the Webinar.

    The one-hour Webinar will be held on Thursday, June 18, at 3:00 PM ET (2:00 PM CT, 1:00 PM MT, 12:00 Noon PT and AZ).

    * Paula Sotnik, Director
    * Lucy Bayard, Senior Training Specialist
    National Service Inclusion Project

    To register for the Webinar, click on the link below:

    Through this interactive and free Webinar, attendees will:
    * Learn about the National Service Inclusion Project (NSIP), funded by the Corporation for National and Community Service (CNCS).
    * Acquire information about how service learning aligns with LRE and access to the general education curriculum.
    * Learn about how service learning may affect post-school outcomes for students with disabilities.
    * Find out how service learning is integrated into IEPs.
    * Obtain strategies to develop inclusive service learning programs.

    For background reading, please visit the LRE Part B Community at

    Paula Sotnik, Director
    National Service Inclusion Project
    Institute for Community Inclusion,
    University of Massachusetts Boston
    100 Morrissey Blvd.
    Boston, MA 02125
    888-491-0326 (toll-free voice and TTY)
    617-287-4343 (direct line)

    The National Service Inclusion Project (NSIP) is training and technical assistance provider on disability inclusion, under a cooperative agreement (#08TAHMA001) from Corporation for National and Community Service (CNCS). NSIP partners with the Association on University Centers on Disability, National Council on Independent Living, Association on Higher Education and Disability and National Down Syndrome Congress to build connections between disability organizations and all CNCS grantees, including national directs, to increase the participation of people with disabilities in national service.

    Wednesday, May 27, 2009

    Accept the Challenge Early! 2009 National Learn & Serve Challenge

    Its time to gear up for the 2009 National Learn & Serve Challenge on October 5-11, 2009! Here are two simple things you can do in five minutes or less:

    1. Pre-register your group/school/organization for the 2009 Challenge. It’s okay if you havent finalized your plans for the Challenge. You can still pre-register to receive updates, tips, and materials to help you prepare for the fall.

    Pre-register by Thursday, May 28 and you will be eligible for a drawing for a $50 gift certificate for a pizza party, perfect for year-end reflection and celebrations!

    Accept the Challenge to Be a Solution and pre-register at

    2. Become a Proud Partner of the National Learn & Serve Challenge. To register as a partner, go to It takes less than 2 minutes to fill in the necessary information.

    For more information, contact the National Service-Learning Partnership at or 202-884-8982.

    Check out the 2009 National Learn & Serve Challenge Facebook event page:

    The Learn & Serve Challenge is a signature event of the National Service-Learning Partnership, made possible with support from State Far Companies Foundation. Lead Organizing Partners include: SEANet - the State Education Agency K-12 Service-Learning Network, America's Promise Alliance, Camp Fire USA, Campus Compact, the National Service-Learning Clearinghouse, National Youth Leadership Council, and Youth Service America in collaboration with the Corporation for National and Community Service.

    Christina Kwon Director of Member Engagement

    National Service-Learning Partnership

    Academy for Educational Development 1875 Connecticut Avenue, NW Washington, DC 20009 202.884.8982 (phone) 202.884.8422 (fax)


    About Me

    The CalServe Network posts news and updates of interest to the service-learning field in California. News and updates are drawn from the CalServe List Serve and the National K-12 Service-Learning List Serve and various other sources.