Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Service-Learning Cited by Casey Foundation as Key Dropout Prevention Strategy

A July 2009 report from the Annie E. Casey Foundation and Kids Count entitled, KIDS COUNT Indicator Brief: Reducing the High School Dropout Rate summarizes a number of factors leading to the dropout crisis and some promising strategies to address the crisis.  Service-Learning is specifically cited as a key strategy to engage students:


Provide service-learning opportunities. Successful interventions focus simultaneously on several types of learning—academic, social/emotional and career-related skills and knowledge—and offer students opportunities to explore real-world relationships and experiences that bolster both their competency and confidence (Steinberg & Almeida, 2008). One strategy that combines these types of learning is service-learning. Service-learning incorporates several approaches that are key to retaining students who might otherwise drop out, including strengthening links between school and work, fostering positive relationships between students and adults in the school and larger community, bolstering students’ communication skills, and promoting community engagement. Initiatives that involve teens, parents and other adults in the community have been shown to be especially effective (Bridgeland et al., 2008).


The recommendation to provide service-learning opportunities is embedded in a number of other recommendations that should help service-learning providers focus their efforts.  Among other recommendations, the report encourages:

  • The strengthening of middle schools
  • An intensive focus on the 9th grade
  • Support for resiliency development
  • Strengthening a students understanding of the connection between education and job opportunities
  • An intensive focus on Hispanic students
  • An intensive focus on students with disabilities and other special needs
  • Strengthening the skills and understanding of the adults who affect teens’ motivation and ability to stay in school


Read the full report here: KIDS COUNT Indicator Brief: Reducing the High School Dropout Rate


Nate Ivy

Service-Learning Regional Lead

Alameda County Office of Education


Monday, September 28, 2009

Grant opportunities

CVS Caremark Community Grants (Deadline: October 31)

The CVS Caremark Community Grants program awards funds to nonprofit organizations for programs targeting children with disabilities; programs focusing on health and rehabilitation services; and public schools promoting a greater level of inclusion in student activities and extracurricular programs, and initiatives that give greater access to physical movement and play.


Qualifying organizations are eligible for grants of up to $5,000.




Grant Name:  SCA's Green your School Contest


Funded by:  Student Conservation Association


Description:  SCA's Green Your School Contest is a national competition to stimulate and/or identify conservation service projects designed by high school students that improve or restore or beautify or conserve their high school environment.


Program Areas:  Science/Environment


Recipients:  Public School, Private/Charter School


Proposal Deadline:  10/9/09


Average Amount:  $2,500.00 - $5,000.00


Email:  greenyourschool@thesca.org

Website:  http://www.thesca.org/green-your-school


Availability:  All States




Grant Name:  DonorsChoose.org Grants


Funded by:  DonorsChoose.org


Description:  DonorsChoose.org is a simple way to provide students in need with resources that our public schools often lack. At this not-for-profit web site, teachers submit project proposals for materials or experiences their students need to learn. These ideas become classroom reality when concerned individuals, whom we call Citizen Philanthropists, choose projects to fund.


Program Areas:  All areas


Recipients:  Public School


Proposal Deadline:  None


Website:  http://www.donorschoose.org


Availability:  All States



2010 State Farm(r) Service-Learning Champion Award (Deadline: December 1)

State Farm supports service-learning as a teaching method that enhances the academic achievement of students while engaging in service to the community. Teachers and parents are usually the primary individuals guiding a young person's education. Other adults often play a key role in broadening a youth's formal education through community service-learning activities. State Farm created the Service-Learning Champion Award to acknowledge this non-traditional advocate of service-learning. The State Farm Service-Learning Champion Award recognizes a business leader, community member or public official who

has a passion for engaging youth in service-learning. Nominations for this annual award are due Dec.1, 2009. This annual award will be presented to the recipient at the 21st Annual National Service-Learning Conference in March 2010, in San Jose, Calif. Transportation, lodging, and conference registration costs for the award recipient will be provided by State Farm.



NEA Foundation Big Green, Learning & Leadership, and Student Achievement Grants (Deadline: October 15)

The NEA Foundation provides grants to improve the academic achievement of students in U.S. public schools and public higher education institutions in any subject area(s).


Student Achievement grants provide $5,000 to improve the academic achievement of students by engaging in critical thinking and problem solving that deepen knowledge of standards-based subject matter. The work should also improve students' habits of inquiry, self-directed learning, and critical reflection. Proposals for work resulting in low-income and minority student success with honors, advanced placement, or other challenging curricula are particularly encouraged.



Learning & Leadership grants provide opportunities for teachers, education support professionals, and higher education faculty and staff to engage in high-quality professional development and lead their colleagues in professional growth. The grant amount is $2,000 for individuals and $5,000 for groups engaged in collegial study. Our Learning & Leadership grants support public school teachers, public education support professionals, and/or faculty and staff in public institutions of higher education for one of the following two purposes:

·         Grants to individuals fund participation in high-quality professional development experiences, such as summer institutes or action research; or

·         Grants to groups fund collegial study, including study groups, action research, lesson study, or mentoring experiences for faculty or staff new to an assignment.

All professional development must improve practice, curriculum, and student achievement



With $150,000 in new grant funding designated for projects that integrate green-related topics and experiences into the classroom, the NEA Foundation is growing its Learning & Leadership and Student Achievement grants program for individuals and teams of educators with additional Big Green grants. Public school educators are eligible to apply for individual grants worth up to $5,000 for the development and implementation of ideas, techniques, and approaches for teaching "green" concepts. The online application process for the green grants is the same as all Learning & Leadership and Student Achievement grants. Interested applicants can designate their grant application for consideration for the green grants programs in our online application system.






Friday, September 25, 2009

Disaster Readiness Summit 2009

Consider strengthening your disaster preparedness knowledge by attending the Bay Area Chapter of the American Red Cross’s Disaster Readiness Summit- October 13, 2009 8:30 AM- 5:00 PM at the Westin St. Francis Hotel in San Francisco.  Disaster preparedness is an excellent community need to connect with service-learning projects. 


Highlights include:
• Choose From Five Custom Tracks
• Dedicated Track on Pandemic Flu Planning and Communications
• Hands-on, Interactive Activities
• Practical Toolkits, Templates and Action Steps
• Face-to-Face Networking Reception


Registration: $125 for schools and non-profit organizations. Click here to register: http://www.drs09.org/register/index.html


For more information contact:


Tryphena Mlay | DSHR & Training Coordinator

American Red Cross


San Francisco Bay Area Chapter

85 Second Street 8th Floor San Francisco, CA 94105

(415) 427-8071 (p) | (510) 289-3440 (c)

(415) 427-8022 (f) | Tryphenam@usa.redcross.org



Immigration, Naturalization & Service Learning

In an innovative project from Indiana, high school students partnered with the International Center of Indianapolis (ICI) to teach the process of naturalization to middle school students.  The students used a tool from ICI called, “"Indiana: Your Passport 2 a Global Connection," This fantastic short booklet highlights the stories and cultures of diverse groups in the Indiana community.  It also helps students reflect on the rights and responsibilities of citizenship while helping them understand the process of naturalization.


This tool and process could be a great way to kick off service-learning projects related to issues of naturalization and immigration.



               What are the challenges associated with legal and illegal immigration?

               What role have immigrants played in US History?

               What are the needs of various immigrant groups in your community?

               Are there challenges in your community that require input from a diverse range of participants

               How can students help overcome barriers between different cultural groups to create a stronger community?

               Could students at your school produce a tool similar to the Indiana Passport to highlight different groups in your community?


In a similar project, students in a World History class in Fremont studied the push pull factors of migration, interviewed different immigrant groups in town to collect oral histories and discover needs of the immigrant groups.  Students working in small teams engaged in service-learning projects to address those needs.  In one example, students learned that a woman was having a difficult time finding a Catholic Mass in her native language, so the students produced a multi-lingual guide to religious organizations in town.  Another group worked with Volunteer Income Tax Assistance  (VITA) to provide translation services for recent immigrants who needed help with their taxes.


Nate Ivy, Service Learning Regional Lead

(Original posting from Kerri Davis, Service-Learning Coordinator, Indianapolis pasted below)



In 2008 one of our high school GT History/English classes also sought to address immigration and naturalization due in part to a rise in various ethnic groups, including a large Chin refugee population.  In short, the class partnered with the International Center of Indianapolis (ICI) to become instructors of ICI's citizenship course   to explain the naturalization process in more detail to middle school students.  The students took it a step farther and decided to gather the stories of local immigrants and publish their own book.  The book "Stirring the Melting Pot" has received much attention in our area and has helped to ease the tension in our ever-expanding, diverse community.  The book and project are considered a Best Practice by Learn and Serve Indiana/IDOE.


In service,


Kerri Davis


Service Learning Coordinator

MSD of Perry Township

401 West Meridian School Road

Indianapolis, IN 46217



Thursday, September 24, 2009

Grants from Youth Service America



UnitedHealth HEROES Grants Support Youth-Led Innovative Solutions to Leading Health Threat (Deadline: October 22)

Educators, service-learning coordinators, students in the health professions, public health professionals, and community partners are eligible to apply for the UnitedHealth HEROES service-learning project grants. Service-learning is a teaching and learning strategy that combines meaningful service to the community with school-based curriculum or program-based learning.

Grant recipients will receive up to $1,000 in support for service-learning projects that focus on childhood obesity, engage youth ages 5-25 in the planning and implementation process, and take place during Semester of Service 2010 (MLK Day, January 18, to Global Youth Service Day, April 23-25).

The grant cycle opens August 1 and applications are due October 22, 2009. Eligible states include: AL, AZ, AR, CA, CO, CT, DC, DE, FL, GA, HI, IL, IN, KY, LA, MD, MA, MI, MN, MO, MS, NE, NV, NJ, NM, NY, NC, OH, PA, RI, SC, TN, TX, VA, WA, and WI.

Learn more at www.ysa.org/awards
To access the application, complete our Eligibility Quiz. If you are eligible, you will be given access the application materials.

To create a service-learning project around childhood obesity, check out "First Responders: Youth Addressing Childhood Obesity Through Service-Learning."

Youth Leaders for Literacy Grants Available to Young Volunteers Who Inspire and Encourage Reading (Deadline Extended: October 30)

Youth Service America is partnering with the National Education Association to once again offer Youth Leaders for Literacy grants to children and youth, ages 5-25, who offer innovative ways to increase literacy skills and appreciation for reading among their peers. Youth Leaders for Literacy will award 30 young people from across the U.S. each with $500 grants and $500 in books from the Pearson Foundation. Youth can submit their applications through October 30, 2009.

Successful projects will be youth-led and address an established literacy need in the applicant's school or community. The projects will follow the framework of YSA's Semester of Service initiative, launching on Martin Luther King, Jr. Day of Service in January and culminating on Global Youth Service Day, April 23-25. An activity should also occur during the NEA's Read Across America Day on March 2.

Begin the application by completing the eligibility quiz at: www.cybergrants.com/ysa/yll/quiz

NEA Foundation Big Green, Learning & Leadership, and Student Achievement Grants (Deadline: October 15)

The NEA Foundation provides grants to improve the academic achievement of students in U.S. public schools and public higher education institutions in any subject area(s). Student Achievement grants provide $5,000 to improve the academic achievement of students by engaging in critical thinking and problem solving that deepen knowledge of standards-based subject matter. The work should also improve students' habits of inquiry, self-directed learning, and critical reflection. Proposals for work resulting in low-income and minority student success with honors, advanced placement, or other challenging curricula are particularly encouraged.

Learning & Leadership grants provide opportunities for teachers, education support professionals, and higher education faculty and staff to engage in high-quality professional development and lead their colleagues in professional growth. The grant amount is $2,000 for individuals and $5,000 for groups engaged in collegial study. Our Learning & Leadership grants support public school teachers, public education support professionals, and/or faculty and staff in public institutions of higher education for one of the following two purposes:

  • Grants to individuals fund participation in high-quality professional development experiences, such as summer institutes or action research; or
  • Grants to groups fund collegial study, including study groups, action research, lesson study, or mentoring experiences for faculty or staff new to an assignment.

All professional development must improve practice, curriculum, and student achievement

With $150,000 in new grant funding designated for projects that integrate green-related topics and experiences into the classroom, the NEA Foundation is growing its Learning & Leadership and Student Achievement grants program for individuals and teams of educators with additional Big Green grants. Public school educators are eligible to apply for individual grants worth up to $5,000 for the development and implementation of ideas, techniques, and approaches for teaching "green" concepts. The online application process for the green grants is the same as all Learning & Leadership and Student Achievement grants. Interested applicants can designate their grant application for consideration for the green grants programs in our online application system.

Do Something Save Our Music Contest (Deadline: October 23)
Do Something and VH1 Save the Music are inviting young people to help advocate for music education in their schools. Student-led music education advocacy efforts could include the posting of promotional and educational materials around schools, starting petitions or running letter-writing campaigns to save music programs, running instrument drives, organizing concerts, or starting a Web site or blog. Do Something and a panel of expert judges will evaluate efforts and decide which students created the most effective efforts to advocate for music education. The top five music education advocates will each receive $1,000 for their school music program as well as Rock Band Video game packages. One grand-prize winner will receive $2,500 in school music funding and a Beatles Rock Band game system. The prize money must go to a school music program or a school music program in need.
Visit the website for complete program information, including suggestions for music education advocacy projects. http://www.dosomething.org/saveourmusic

KaBOOM! Play Day Grants for Playground Projects (Deadline: October 23)
You could be eligible to receive a KaBOOM! grant for a playspace enhancement just by hosting a Play Day! Complete the step-by-step Play Day Planner and then celebrate your Play Day by posting your stories, photos and videos. Sign up to host a KaBOOM! Play Day in your community from September 19-27, and you'll receive a free Play Day kit full of games, activities, and improvement projects. To support the cause, NFL PLAY 60 is offering Play Day communities $25,000 in grants to come together to improve their local parks and playspaces with clean-ups and simple enhancement and construction projects. http://kaboom.org/build_playspace/find_funding/grants/play_day_grants

Target Field Trip Grants (Deadline: November 3)
The Target Field Trip Grants program provides funds for K-12 field trips in order to give students throughout the country the opportunity to explore more of the world outside the classroom. For the 2009-2010 school year, 5,000 grants of up to $800 each will be awarded to educators, teachers, principals, paraprofessionals, and classified staff who are employed by accredited K-12 public, private, or charter schools. Types of eligible field trips include art, science, and cultural museum visits; community service and civic projects; and career enrichment opportunities. Funds may be used to cover trip-related costs such as transportation, ticket fees, resource materials, and supplies. Online applications will be available through November 3, 2009. To learn more and apply, visit: https://targetfieldtripgrants.target.com

2010 State Farm® Service-Learning Champion Award (Deadline: December 1)
State Farm supports service-learning as a teaching method that enhances the academic achievement of students while engaging in service to the community. Teachers and parents are usually the primary individuals guiding a young person's education. Other adults often play a key role in broadening a youth's formal education through community service-learning activities. State Farm created the Service-Learning Champion Award to acknowledge this non-traditional advocate of service-learning. The State Farm Service-Learning Champion Award recognizes a business leader, community member or public official who has a passion for engaging youth in service-learning. Nominations for this annual award are due Dec.1, 2009. This annual award will be presented to the recipient at the 21st Annual National Service-Learning Conference in March 2010, in San Jose, Calif. Transportation, lodging, and conference registration costs for the award recipient will be provided by State Farm. http://www.statefarm.com/about/part_spos/topics/nom_slchamp.asp

United Nations Alliance of Civilizations Youth Solidarity Fund (Deadline: September 30)
The United Nations Alliance of Civilizations is launching the second edition of its Youth Solidarity Fund. This programme provides seed funding to outstanding youth projects demonstrating innovative approaches to building cross-cultural understanding. The 2009 edition of the Youth Solidarity Fund offers a total envelope of up to US$300,000. There are two levels of funding available: small grants for community or local-level projects needing funding of up to US$20,000 each and large grants for national or regional-level projects needing funding of up to US$30,000 each. A Youth Selection Committee will identify the best projects under each level of funding. Youth organizations from all over the world are invited to submit project proposals by September 30, 2009, 1:00 PM, New York time. The application guidelines and form are available at www.unaoc.org

Sabina Fund Grants (Deadline: October 31)
The Sabina Fund makes grants to grassroots groups worldwide to promote a plant-based diet and respect for animals. Small grants of $500 to $1,000 are awarded for innovative projects designed to reduce consumption of animals. (Because of the large number of proposals from India, Kenya, and Uganda, applicants from those countries must be coalitions of five or more grassroots groups.) Applications must be submitted via email by October 31, 2009. Visit the Fund's website to see examples of funded projects and to access the complete application instructions. http://www.sabinafund.org/#Proposals

Adobe Youth Voices International Photo Competition - Round 2 (Deadline: November 1)
When written in Chinese or Japanese, the word "crisis" is composed of two characters--one represents crisis or danger, and the other represents hope or opportunity. We have taken this as inspiration for our first-ever international photo competition. "Crisis and Hope" offers an exciting opportunity for youth around the world to express themselves and make their voices heard - on both what is challenging and what gives hope in today's difficult world. Winning photographs will be showcased online, in a traveling exhibit, and in a book. The call for photos is part of Adobe Youth Voices, a global youth media initiative, in collaboration with WKCD (What Kids Can Do). This contest is open to all young people, anywhere in the world, between the ages of 12 and 19. Learn more at: http://www.whatkidscando.org/AYV_Photo_Competition/Guidelines_-__Round_Two.html


Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Service-Learning Presenters Wanted for National Conference

Submit a Workshop Proposal

The deadline to submit a workshop proposal for the 21st Annual National Service-Learning Conference is quickly approaching! All workshop proposals must be submitted online no later than 11:59 p.m. CST on Friday, September 25, 2009.

» Learn more about becoming a presenter.

Nominate Your Service-Learning Heroes for an Award

Nominations are currently being accepted for the State Farm® Service-Learning Practitioner Leadership and Youth Leadership for Service-Learning Excellence Awards to be given at the State Farm Awards Celebration on Friday, March 26. The event will honor youth and adults for their commitment to education, service, community, and service-learning. The nomination deadline is November 2, 2009.

» Learn more about the award nomination process.

Be a Conference Exhibitor

The Exhibit Hall is the epicenter of educational innovations and activities and provides an interactive center for resources and materials. Conference participants are interested in the latest education, communications, and consulting tools and techniques to enhance educational programming in K-12 schools, colleges and universities, and community-based organizations. The application deadline is December 4, 2009.

» Learn more about becoming a conference exhibitor.

Be a Conference Affiliate

Affiliates are a crucial link between the conference and attendees, helping the conference reach diverse audiences. As an affiliate, you get exposure to an international audience of educators, state and federal officials, youth leaders, program coordinators, policy-makers, and representatives from community-based organizations involved in the service-learning movement. The application deadline is December 4, 2009.

» Learn more about becoming a conference affiliate.

Contribute Materials to the Service-Learning Information Station

Do you want to get the word out about your organization, service project, or business? Send materials to be shared at the service-learning information station. The application deadline is March 16, 2010.

» Learn more about the service-learning information station.

Questions? Reach us by replying to this email, visiting our website at www.nylc.org/conference, or calling (800) 366-6952. We look forward to seeing you in San Jose!


Amy Meuers
Conference and Events Director



Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Gear Up for the 2009 National Learn & Serve Challenge Kick Off, October 5-12, 2009!

Dear Service-Learning Supporters,


We are only a few weeks away from the 2009 National Learn & Serve Challenge Kick Off, October 5-12, 2009.  This year, the Challenge kick off will issue a national call to action to schools, college campuses and youth-serving organizations to commit to engaging a significant number of young people in service-learning activities that address the tough problems facing the country during the 2009-2010 school year.


In the past, the Learn & Serve Challenge focused on a week of publicity and outreach. Now, it is becoming a sustained, collaborative and focused effort to promote opportunities for elementary, middle, and high school age youth to be engaged learners and active contributors to society year-round.


The Challenge will kick off on October 5. It is not too late for you to join. Below are a few ways you can participate in the Learn & Serve Challenge today.


Register your Challenge Kick Off Event and Become a Proud Partner


Register today: http://www.learnandservechallenge.org/acceptthechallenge.php


Remember to express your support for service-learning and Learn and Serve America by adding your organization's name to the growing list of participating partners at http://bit.ly/cY8d0.


Gear Up for the Kick Off


1. Host a service-learning t-shirt or button day at your school or organization. Visit the Learn & Serve Challenge Online Store where you may purchase buttons, t-shirts, and other items on an as-needed basis.  Use the Host a Button or T-Shirt Day Activity Tip Sheet for more planning hints and good ideas.


Online Store: http://www.cafepress.com/lschallenge

Host a Button or T-Shirt Day Tip Sheet: http://www.learnandservechallenge.org/sponsor.php


If you're looking for a cost-effective way to show your service-learning pride, create your own stickers using labels.   Just email nslp@aed.org to receive a copy of the Learn & Serve Challenge logos that you can use to create your own stickers, buttons, or t-shirts. 


2.  Make a presentation to your local school board and/or city council.  Make sure service-learning is not the best kept secret in your school or community.  Use the Challenge as an opportunity to make key leaders aware of how service-learning is transforming lives and improving schools and communities right in their own backyard.  Download the Make a Presentation Activity Tip Sheet to learn more.


Board Presentation Tip Sheet: http://www.learnandservechallenge.org/makeschoolboard.php


3. Include a service-learning update in your school or organization's newsletter or website.  Download sample text for newsletters, email announcements, and website features. 


Sample Text: http://www.learnandservechallenge.org/feature.php


4. Show the Bring Learning to Life Public Service Announcement or another service-learning video during an upcoming staff or board meeting.  Make plans to show the video to local community leaders and civic or service clubs, such as the Chamber of Commerce, Lions, Kiwanis, or Rotary Clubs.    Download the public service announcement to your computer or request a free copy today.


PSA: http://www.servicelearning.org/lsa/bring_learning/


And he�����s the most important part.  Once you decide how your school or organization is going to participate in the National Learn & Serve Challenge, let us know how you���re going to Accept the Challenge.  Add your local event or activity to the listing of activities updated on the website regularly so that we can spread the news about how people are accepting the Challenge around the country.


Accept the Challenge today! http://www.learnandservechallenge.org/acceptthechallenge.php




2009 National Learn & Serve Challenge Organizing Team


The Learn & Serve Challenge is a signature event of the National Service-Learning Partnership in collaboration with the Corporation for National and Community Service. It is made possible with support from State Fa��® Companies Foundation.


The Challenge is supported by nearly 100 local, state, and national organizations committed to engaging in service-learning in our nation���s schools, college campuses, and communities. Lead Organizing Partners include:


America's Promise Alliance

American Association of State Colleges and Universities

Campus Compact

Learn and Serve Americ����s National Service-Learning Clearinghouse

National Alliance for Faith and Justice

National Community Education Association

National Education Association

National Youth Leadership Council

National Parent Teacher Association

SEANet - the State Education Agency K-12 Service-Learning Network

Ushe����s New Look Foundation

Youth Service America


Find the 2009 National Learn & Serve Challenge on Facebook: http://bit.ly/3PWXhk


For more information, visit www.learnandservechallenge.org or call (202) 884-8982.

Christina Kwon
Director of Member Engagement
National Service-Learning Partnership
Academy for Educational Development
1875 Connecticut Avenue, NW
Washington, DC 20009
202.884.8982 (phone)
202.884.8422 (fax)

Friday, September 18, 2009

National Learn & Serve Challenge

Dear Service-Learning Supporter:

I invite you and your network to participate in the National Learn & Serve Challenge kickoff sponsored by the National Service-Learning Partnership, during the week of October 5-11, 2009. The Challenge is an event designed to highlight Learn and Serve America and service-learning throughout the nation.

We have seen the power of service-learning as a way to engage students, educators, administrators, and staff with their communities to solve problems while improving academic achievement and civic engagement of participants. Learning, teaching, and research are strengthened when the focus is on community revitalization, democratic participation, and problem-solving.

The National Learn & Serve Challenge is our opportunity to demonstrate the power of service-learning to others. You do not have to be affiliated with Learn and Serve America funding to participate. This event is designed to highlight service-learning everywhere.

What can you do to support the Challenge?

* Prepare a special sign-on letter or proclamation to recognize the National Learn & Serve Challenge.

* Create and place an article, op-ed, video, or interview from a prominent spokesperson such as a local superintendent, college or university president, tribal leader, parent, educator, or student involved in your service-learning program.

* Spotlight youth leaders through a student-led presentation to the school board or other officials, a showcase for parents and community members, or a forum about service-learning.

* If you give Learn and Serve America subgrants, hold a ceremony to present funding with a BIG CHECK.

* Accept the Challenge's call to action and engage in service-learning activities that are tied to the four priority areas of education, health, community renewal, and clean energy and the environment throughout the 9-month Challenge campaign.
* Encourage subgrantees and others in your network to Accept the Challenge and shine a light on service-learning during the kickoff week of October 5 -11.
* Register your events and sign on as a partner on the Challenge website, learnandservechallenge.org<http://www.learnandservechallenge.org/>. We want you to be part of the National Learn & Serve Challenge network!

There are also ideas and tool kits on the Challenge website learnandservechallenge.org<http://www.learnandservechallenge.org/> for you to review. Be sure to return to this site throughout the campaign to participate in the free virtual learning and professional development tools that will support your efforts.

I wish you a successful National Learn & Serve Challenge kickoff week and look forward to learning about your related activities!


Elson B. Nash
Acting Director
Learn and Serve America

The Learn & Serve Challenge is a signature event of the National Service-Learning Partnership, made possible with support from State Farm(r) Companies Foundation. Lead Organizing Partners include: SEANet - the State Education Agency K-12 Service-Learning Network, America's Promise Alliance, Camp Fire USA, Campus Compact, the National Service-Learning Clearinghouse, National Youth Leadership Council, and Youth Service America in collaboration with the Corporation for National and Community Service.

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Obama Administration Launches Servir.gov Website to Broaden Call to Service

(Washington DC)  -- To carry President Obama's call to service to millions of Spanish-speakers, the Obama Administration today launched Servir.gov, a Spanish-language website that makes it easy for Americans to find or organize volunteer projects in their communities.


The website is being launched at the beginning of Hispanic Heritage Month, when the nation recognizes the contributions Hispanics from all walks of life have made to our country throughout its history.  First Lady Michelle Obama will appear in a video highlighting the new site and the importance of service airing during the 2009 NCLR ALMA Awards Friday night on ABC.


"All summer long we've encouraged Americans across the country to come together to help strengthen and build the foundation for our nation's future prosperity one community at a time," said First Lady Michelle Obama.  "Service to community is a strong tradition in the Hispanic community, and we hope the new Servir.gov website will help connect more Americans with service projects in their own communities."


The new website is a companion to Serve.gov, which the Administration launched in June as part of its United We Serve initiative.  Both sites are managed by the Corporation for National and Community Service, a federal agency that administers service programs and is leading the United We Serve initiative.  


On Servir.gov, visitors can search for volunteer opportunities in their neighborhood, get ideas for "do-it-yourself" volunteer projects, submit their service stories, or recruit volunteers for their own volunteer efforts.  The website features a welcome video in Spanish by Secretary of the Interior Ken Salazar, who reflects on the importance of service during tough times.


"Today our communities have rediscovered the power of service to unite us in a common sense of purpose, and Americans are turning out to volunteer like never before," said Salazar.  "I invite you to join in the President's United We Serve initiative, and help us show the world the extraordinary things that ordinary people can achieve with the proper tools."


"The President has made a bold call to service at a time of great need and Americans are ready to respond," said Nicola Goren, the Corporation's Acting CEO. "Through the Servir.gov website, we hope more Americans will find ways to give back to their communities and help in our nation's recovery."


Goren pointed to new research from the Corporation for National and Community Service that found more than 4.7 million Hispanic adults volunteered through a formal organization in 2008, an increase of 400,000 over the previous year. Hispanic volunteers donated approximately 532 million hours of service, worth more than $10.7 billion to America's communities. 


The Servir.gov website includes a number of features to promote volunteer service:

·         Find A Volunteer Opportunity:  Visitors can enter their zip code and interests to find local volunteer opportunities from a database of more than 250,000 opportunities across the country

·         Register Your Project:  Organizations or individuals looking to recruit volunteers for their efforts can post their volunteer opportunities (in English or Spanish)

·         Plan Your Own Project: To help individuals plan their own projects with their friends, family, or neighbors, easy-to-use toolkits in Spanish are available on projects such as organizing a book drive, creating a community garden, or conducting a home energy audit.  Spanish translation provided by AARP.

·         Share Your Story:  Visitors are invited to share how they are making a difference through service


To help make the site more robust, the Corporation for National and Community Service is asking organizations that are looking for Spanish-language speaking volunteers to submit volunteer opportunities in Spanish and English by visiting Serve.gov.


The United We Serve initiative was conceived as a way to directly involve Americans in tackling problems in their communities. While any kind of volunteer service is encouraged, the effort focuses on five key areas education, health, energy and the environment, community renewal, and safety and security.


The effort comes at a time of strong need and momentum for service, as the economic downturn puts more Americans at risk and increases the demand for social services. At the same time, many nonprofit groups are experiencing a 'compassion boom' of increasing volunteers as Americans reach out to help their neighbors. United We Serve aims to tap this growing interest and focus it on addressing specific community needs.


"The challenges we face are unprecedented in their size and scope, and we cannot rely on quick fixes or easy answers to put us on the road to recovery," said President Obama in announcing United We Serve. "Economic recovery is as much about what you're doing in your communities as what we're doing in Washington – and it's going to take all of us, working together."




United We Serve is President Obama's call to service challenging all Americans to engage in sustained, meaningful community service. United We Serve is led by the Corporation for National and Community Service. For more information, visit Serve.gov.


The Corporation for National and Community Service is a federal agency that improves lives, strengthens communities, and fosters civic engagement through service and volunteering. Each year, the Corporation engages four million Americans of all ages and backgrounds through its Senior Corps, AmeriCorps, and Learn and Serve America Programs. For more information, visit NationalService.gov.






Para publicación inmediata                                                                                 Contacto: Sandy Scott

17 de septiembre, 2009                                                                          202-606-6724, sscott@cns.gov



Gobierno del Presidente Obama presenta Servir.gov para difundir su llamado al voluntariado.


Nueva página web en español se incorpora a la iniciativa "Servimos Unidos" del Presidente.


(Washington DC) -- Para informar a millones de hispanohablantes sobre el llamado a servir que hizo el Presidente Obama, su gobierno ha inaugurado hoy Servir.gov, una página web en español que facilita que los estadounidenses organicen voluntariados en sus comunidades.


La página web estará disponible a principios del Mes de la Hispanidad, cuando la nación reconoce las contribuciones que los latinos de todas las esferas hicieron por nuestro país durante su historia.


La primera dama Michelle Obama aparecerá en un video presentando la nueva página y hablando sobre la importancia del voluntariado durante los Premios NCLR ALMA del 2009 en ABC.


"Todo este verano hemos animado a los estadounidenses a unirse a fin de ayudar a fortalecer y construir los cimientos para la prosperidad futura de nuestra nación, comunidad por comunidad", dijo la primera dama Michelle Obama. "El servicio comunitario es una sólida tradición en la comunidad latina, y esperamos que la nueva página web Servir.gov ayude a conectar a más estadounidenses con proyectos de voluntariado en sus propias comunidades."


La nueva página web acompaña Serve.gov, otro enlace que la Administración lanzó en junio como parte de su iniciativa Servimos Unidos (United We Serve). Las dos páginas web están a cargo de la Corporación para el Servicio Nacional y Comunitario (Corporation for National and Community Service), una agencia federal que administra programas de voluntariado y dirige la iniciativa Servimos Unidos.


En Servir.gov, los visitantes pueden buscar oportunidades de voluntariado en su vecindario, idear un proyecto independiente de voluntariado al estilo de «Hágalo-usted-mismo», contar acerca de sus experiencias de voluntariado o reclutar a voluntarios para sus propios proyectos. La página web pone de relieve un video de bienvenida en español presentado por el secretario del Interior Ken Salazar, quien reflexiona sobre la importancia del voluntariado en momentos difíciles.


"Hoy en día nuestras comunidades han descubierto de nuevo el poder del voluntariado para unirnos en un propósito común", dijo Salazar. "Los invito a unirse a la iniciativa Servimos Unidos del Presidente Obama y a ayudarnos a demostrarle al mundo que cualquiera puede lograr cosas extraordinarias con las herramientas adecuadas."


"El presidente ha hecho un llamado audaz al voluntariado en un momento de gran necesidad, y los estadounidenses estamos preparados para actuar", afirmó Nicola Goren, la actual jefa ejecutiva de la Corporación. "Con la página web Servir.gov, esperamos que más estadounidenses encuentren maneras de aportar a sus comunidades y ayudar en la recuperación de nuestra nación."


Goren señaló nuevas investigaciones hechas por la Corporación para el Servicio Nacional y Comunitario que indicaban que más de 4.7 millones de adultos latinos realizaron trabajo voluntario a través de una organización formal en el 2008, un incremento de 400,000 más que en el año anterior. Los voluntarios latinos donaron aproximadamente 532 millones de horas como voluntarios, lo equivalente a $10,700 millones en las comunidades de Estados Unidos.


La página web Servir.gov incluye varias características para promover el voluntariado:


·         Busque una oportunidad de voluntariado: Los visitantes pueden ingresar su código postal e intereses personales para enterarse de oportunidades de voluntariado cerca de su vecindario en una base de datos de más de 250,000 oportunidades en todo el país.

·         Registre su proyecto: Las organizaciones o individuos que deseen reclutar voluntarios para sus proyectos pueden anunciar sus oportunidades de voluntariado (en inglés o español).

·         Organice su propio proyecto: Para ayudar a cualquiera a organizar sus propios proyectos, como el planeamiento de una campaña de donación de libros, la creación de un jardín comunitario o evaluación del consumo de energía en viviendas. Traducciones al español realizadas por la AARP.

·         Cuéntenos su historia: Se invita a los visitantes a compartir sus historias de cómo están teniendo un impacto a través de su servicio.


Para ayudar a solidificar la página web, La Corporación para el Servicio Nacional y Comunitario pide a organizaciones que actualmente buscan voluntarios hispanohablantes que anuncien sus oportunidades de voluntariado en español e inglés accediendo a Servir.gov.


El programa Servimos Unidos se concibió como una manera de lograr la participación directa de los estadounidenses en la solución de los problemas de sus comunidades. Aunque se aprecia cualquier tipo de servicio voluntario, los esfuerzos de la iniciativa se centran en cinco áreas clave: educación, salud, energía y medio ambiente, renovación de la comunidad, seguridad y protección.


Los esfuerzos vienen en un momento de gran necesidad e impulso del servicio voluntario, ya que la crisis económica pone en peligro a más estadounidenses y aumenta la demanda de servicios sociales. Al mismo tiempo, muchas organizaciones sin fines de lucro están experimentando una bonanza de compasión con un aumento en el número de voluntarios, ya que muchos estadounidenses desean tenderles la mano a sus vecinos. Servimos Unidos aspira a aprovecharse de este creciente interés y enfocarlo para solucionar necesidades comunitarias específicas.


"Los desafíos a los que nos enfrentamos no tienen precedente en su tamaño y alcance, y ni las chapuzas ni respuestas fáciles nos ayudarán a encaminarnos hacia la recuperación", dijo el Presidente Obama al inaugurar Servimos Unidos. "La recuperación económica depende tanto de lo que ustedes hacen en sus comunidades como de lo que hacemos nosotros en Washington – y se necesita que todos nosotros trabajemos juntos.




Servimos Unidos es el llamado a servir del Presidente Obama, que alienta a todos los estadounidenses a participar en voluntariado significativo y sostenido. Servimos Unidos está bajo la dirección de la Corporación para el Servicio Nacional y Comunitario. Para mayor información, visite Servir.gov.


La Corporación para el Servicio Nacional y Comunitario es una agencia federal que mejora la calidad de vida, fortalece comunidades y fomenta la acción cívica a través del voluntariado. Todos los años, la Corporación cuenta con la participación de cuatro millones de estadounidenses de todas las edades y esferas mediante sus programas Senior Corps, AmeriCorps y los Programas Learn and Serve America. Para mayor información, visite NationalService.gov .

About Me

The CalServe Network posts news and updates of interest to the service-learning field in California. News and updates are drawn from the CalServe List Serve and the National K-12 Service-Learning List Serve and various other sources.