Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Free Watershed Workshops for Teachers

Save the Bay is offering a 3 day workshop for middle and high school teachers grades 5-12 to learn how to use the San Francisco bay as a focal point for studying ecology. 

Participating teachers will have the opportunity to canoe, participate in a restoration project, and have facilitated time for designing lesson. Continuing education credits are available and teachers completing all three days will receive a $100 stipend.  Click here for more information, or contact Trisha Allen at Save the Bay to register.  (


Monday, February 22, 2010

Grant list from What Kids Can Do

This is a great site for grants… See below or go to:



Michael Brugh, CalServe Program Director
California Department of Education,
CalServe Initiative, Suite 6408
1430 N Street
Sacramento, California 95814
Ph. (916) 319-0543
Fx. (916)  323-6061

Supported by a grant from the Corporation for National Service, Learn and Serve America




Pepsi Refresh Grants | Deadline: Monthly competition, with first awards made in February 2010

Pepsi is looking for ideas from individuals, non-profits and pro-social businesses that can make a positive impact in the community. Ideas should be feasible and completed 12 months from the date you receive the first funds. Each month, up to $1.3 million will be awarded as follows: 2 Grants at the $250,000 level; 10 Grants at the $50,000 level; 10 Grants at the $25,000 level; and 10 Grants at the $5,000 level. Winning proposals are chosen by voters visiting the Pepsi Refresh website. Eligibility: any age.

Learn more at:


"Get Ur Good On" Grants for Young Volunteers | Deadline: February 22, 2010

Miley Cyrus recently partnered with Youth Service America to create Get Ur Good On, a social network that brings together youth to support each other in their mission to do "good" in their communities. On Wednesday, November 18, YSA launched Get Ur Good On Grants that fund youth-led service initiatives on Global Youth Service Day, April 23-25, 2010. Available to children and youth around the world, YSA's Get Ur Good On Grants will award 100 $500 grants to support projects addressing critical community needs such as poverty, education, and environmental sustainability.Grant applications are due February 22, 2010.

Youth interested in sharing their stories about volunteering and community service, learning about important issues, and making civic-minded friends can visit They can upload videos that show how they have made a difference in their local, national, and global communities.

Learn more at: www.geturgood.og.


Guardian Life Insurance: Girls Going Places Awards | Deadline: February 26, 2010

The Girls Going Places Entrepreneurship Program rewards the enterprising spirits of girls who demonstrate budding entrepreneurship, are taking the first steps toward financial independence, and make a difference in their schools and communities. Maximum award: three prizes totaling up to $30,000. Eligibility: girls between the ages of 12 and 18 as of December 31, 2009, who are enrolled in middle school or high school and are a U.S. legal resident.

Learn more at:


Huggable Heroes Award & Scholarship | Deadline: February 26, 2010

Do you know a young leader between the ages of eight and 18 who is making a difference in his or her community or around the world? Now through February 26, Build-A-Bear Workshop is accepting entries for its seventh annual Huggable Heroes® program, which recognizes everyday young people who go to extraordinary lengths to make life better for others. Ten Huggable Heroes from the United States and Canada will be selected and each will be awarded with a $7,500 educational scholarship and $2,500 in the form of a donation to the 501 (c)(3) charity of his/her choice, as well as a celebration trip to St. Louis in July.

Learn more at:


Sodexo Foundation STOP Hunger Scholarships | Deadline: February 26, 2010

The Sodexo Foundation opened applications for its national STOP Hunger Scholarship program on January 1, 2010. The scholarships were first introduced in 2007 in order to support the education of young people who are working to end hunger in communities across the country - and to draw attention to the innovative and effective solutions that they are implementing toward ending hunger in their lifetime. Up to five students selected as national winners will each receive a $5,000 scholarship award and a matching $5,000 grant in their name, for the hunger-related charity of their choice. The scholarships will be presented on June 10, 2010 at the Sodexo Foundation Dinner in Washington, D.C. In addition, up to 20 regional winners will receive a $1,000 grant in their name, for the hunger-related charity of their choice. To be eligible, students must be enrolled in an accredited education institution (kindergarten through graduate school) in the United States and be able to demonstrate an on going commitment to hunger-relief activities in their community.

Learn more at: http://

AFN International: Young Eco-Hero Awards | Deadline: February 28, 2010

Action for Nature International Young Eco-Hero Awards recognize the individual accomplishments of young people whose personal actions have significantly improved the environment. Maximum Award: $500. Eligibility: youth ages 8-16.

Learn more at:


Do Something Awards | Deadline: March 1, 2010

Could you use $100,000 to change the world? The Do Something Awards celebrate young people 25 and under who are tackling a problem and changing the world. Five nominees will be rewarded with a $10,000 community grant, participation in a live VH1 TV show, media coverage and continued support from The grand prize winner will receive $100,000 during the live broadcast!

Apply or nominate someone at:


Caring Institute: 2010 Caring Awards | Deadline: March 1, 2010

The Caring Institute is now accepting nominations for its annual Caring Awards. Nominees should exemplify caring and serve as worthy role models for others. Award criteria include length of service, scope and impact of work, challenges overcome, and imagination and innovation. Maximum award: All winners are honored at a special ceremony, and young adult winners receive funds for college. Eligibility: individuals from nine to 99 years old

Learn more at:


DASH+ Contest | Deadline: March 1, 2010

As part of the Progressive Insurance Automotive X PRIZE Education Program, funded by the U.S. Department of Energy, the DASH+ national high school contest challenges student teams to use their science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM) skills to design a dashboard of the future that incorporates feedback mechanisms and supports behavior change to help drivers maximize fuel efficiency and reduce environmental impact. The Grand Prize winning team has the chance to travel to Motor City for a VIP experience.

Learn more at:


Open Call for Youth Media from WGBH/Masterpiece Classic | Deadline: March 8, 2010

In its latest Open Call, public television stationWGBH has partnered up with MASTERPIECE Classic, and has launched The Video Diary Project, inspired by The Diary of Anne Frank. They are asking young media makers (ages 13 and up), to submit video diaries telling us about their lives – specifically areas where certain aspects of intolerance may be involved. How have they overcome being bullied or disrespected for the way they look, think, or for what they believe in – that kind of stuff. Portions of the diaries submitted may be selected for broadcast on MASTERPIECE Classic’s PBS airing of The Diary of Anne Frank on April 11th, 2010.

Learn more at:


Kohl's Corporation: Kohl's Kids Who Care Scholarship | Deadline: March 15, 2010

The Kohl's Kids Who Care Program recognizes and rewards young volunteers who transform their communities for the better. Maximum award: $10,000 scholarship toward post-secondary education. Eligibility: youth 6 to 18 years old, not graduated from high school by March 15, 2010

Learn more at:


Siemens We Can Change the World Challenge | Deadline: Middle School, March 15, 2010

The Siemens We Can Change the World Challenge is a K-12 sustainability challenge where a class or group of students, work with a teacher/mentor to identify an environmental issue in their classroom or school community, develop a plan, collect data, analyze that data, and share the results they've found.

Maximum award: $5,000 + other prizes. Ages served: elementary and middle schools.

Learn more at:


Hitachi Foundation: Yoshiyama Young Entrepreneurs | Deadline: March 22, 2010

The Yoshiyama Young Entrepreneurs Program supports young entrepreneurs who have formed financially viable businesses that create jobs, supply goods or services, or use internal management practices enabling low-wealth individuals the opportunity to achieve greater economic security. Maximum award: $50,000 over two years, access to technical resources, and a peer learning community. Eligibility: entrepreneurs ages 18-29 who are operating businesses that are 1-5 years old and have been generating revenue for a minimum of the last 12 months.

Learn more at:


Questbridge: College Prep for Low-Income High School Juniors | Deadline: March 29, 2010

Questbridge, a non-profit organization dedicated to giving high-achieving low-income students resources during the college application process, is accepting applications for its College Prep Program for high school juniors. Maximum award: full scholarship to summer program, college admissions counseling, and attendance at college preparatory conferences. Eligibility: qualified low-income high school juniors.

Learn more at:


Alliance for a Healthier Generation Youth Advisory Board | Deadline: April 2, 2010

The Alliance for a Healthier Generation is searching for a select group of young people to serve on our Youth Advisory Board (for 2010-2011) and roll up their sleeves for a few hours a month of critical thinking, engaging conversations, good fun, new friendships, and high-profile leadership. Applicants must be between the ages of 8 and 17 years old when membership begins July 2010 and live in the United States.

Learn more at:


The Shortie Awards: Film and News Festival | Deadline: April 9, 2010

The premiere film festival for students ages 7 to 18 and their teachers! Established in 2001, The Shortie Awards: Student Film and News Festival recognizes original digital media productions created by student filmmakers, ages 7-18, and their teachers. The Shortie Awards focuses on nurturing imagination and choice making in students.The Shortie Awards is part of MHz Networks' Education Department. The event grew out of the Department's EAT (Education Arts and Technology) program for young filmmakers in the Washington D.C. area and has since blossomed into a national and even international event, featuring submissions from all over the world.
Entry Categories: Live Action: Narrative, Documentary, Experimental, PSA, Music Video, or Other Animation: Stop-Motion, Claymation, Machinima, Digital, or Other Daily News Program
Age Categories: 7-10, 11-14, 15-18, and K-12 Teacher.

Learn more at:


MIT: Lemelson-MIT 2011 InvenTeams | April 25, 2010

Lemelson-MIT InvenTeams foster inventiveness among high school students. InvenTeams composed of high school students, teachers, and mentors are asked to collaboratively identify a problem that they want to solve, research the problem, and then develop a prototype invention as an in-class or extracurricular project. Maximum Award: $10,000. Eligibility: high school science, mathematics and technology teachers—or teams of teachers—at public, private and vocational schools; intra- and inter-school collaborations welcome.

Learn more at:


Gloria Barron Prize for Young Heroes | Deadline: April 30, 2010

The Gloria Barron Prize for Young Heroes honors outstanding young leaders who have focused on helping their communities and fellow beings and/or on protecting the health and sustainability of the environment. Maximum award: $2,500. Eligibility: youth 8-18.

Learn more at:


Earth Island Institute: Youth Award for Outstanding Activism in Environmental and Social Justice | Deadline: May 15, 2010

The Earth Island Institute Brower Youth Award recognizes young people for their outstanding activism and achievements in the fields of environmental and social justice advocacy. Maximum award: $3,000; a trip to San Francisco for the awards ceremony, October 19, 2010; and a wilderness camping trip. Eligibility: youth activists ages 13-22.

Learn more at:


Do Something Seed Grants | Deadline: Rolling

Are you working to start a community action project or program? Do you need money to put your ideas into action? If you answered, "YES!", you are eligible to apply for a Do Something Seed Grant. We give out a $500 Do Something Seed Grant every week to help young people just like YOU! Do Something Seed Grants are targeted towards project ideas and programs that are just getting started. These grants can be used to jump-start your program or to realize your ideas for the first time. These are grants for all types of community action projects around causes that you care about and are important in your community.

Learn more at:


Do Something Growth Grants | Deadline: Rolling

Did you create a sustainable community action project, program or organization that you want to grow? Are you looking for funding to take your already successful project to the next level? If you answered "YES!", you are eligible to apply for a Do Something Growth Grant. We give out a $500 Do Something Growth Grant every week to help young people just like YOU! Do Something Growth Grants are targeted towards projects that are already developed and sustainable. These grants go towards the next steps of your project and organization to help you as you look to expand your project and grow your impact.

Leasrn more at:


High Tech Camp for Girls | Deadline varies; see website.

Microsoft DigiGirlz High Tech Camp for girls works to dispel stereotypes of the high-tech industry and gives young people a chance to experience firsthand what it is like to develop cutting-edge technology. During the camp, girls are exposed to executive speakers, technology tours and demonstrations, networking and hands-on learning workshops. Maximum Award: camp attendance. Eligibility: girls grades 7-12; must be 13 at the time of attendance. Deadline: varies; see website.

Learn more at:


Scholastic Lexus Environmental Challenge | Deadline varies; see website.

The Scholastic Lexus Environmental Challenge program is designed to educate and empower students to take action to improve the environment. The program encourages middle and high school students to develop and implement environmental programs that positively impact their communities. Middle and high school teams comprised of 5 to 10 students and one teacher advisor are invited to participate in four initial challenges, each addressing a different environmental element -- land, water, air, and climate. Maximum Award: $75,000. Eligibility: students in grades 6-12 and their teachers. Deadline: varies.

Learn more at:


Mix It Up Grants | Deadline: Rolling

The Southern Poverty Law Center is accepting applications for its Mix It Up grants program to support on-going projects led and directed by youth (ages 13 years and older) that challenge the status quo, are creative in their approach to encouraging engagement in socially just behaviors, involve collaborations across social boundaries, and are fiscally responsible.

Maximum award: $500. Ages served: middle and high school.








Friday, February 12, 2010

New Research Documents Positive Impacts of Service-Learning

Dear Colleagues:


A new research brief from the American Association of Community Colleges, "Improving Student Learning Outcomes with Service Learning," reveals that students who participate in service-learning score higher on institutional learning outcomes such as critical thinking, communication, civic responsibility, academic development, and educational success. Service-learners also saw themselves as more competitive in the job market than those who did not have service-learning experience.


In addition, 85 percent of these students believed that service-learning should be practiced in more courses at their colleges, and 87 percent would encourage other students to take courses that offer service learning.


The 16-page brief summarizes the findings and implications of a three-year study at 10 colleges that participated in AACC's 2006-2009 grant program, Community Colleges Broadening Horizons through Service-Learning.  More than 2,300 students and 68 faculty across a variety of disciplines participated in end-of-course surveys and focus groups.


The entire text of the research brief may be found on AACC's website at


Visit AACC's main website at for other publications, resources, curriculum tools, and listings of upcoming conferences and events.  


AACC's service learning initiative is supported by the Learn and Serve America program of the Corporation for National and Community Service.  If you have any questions or comments, please contact:


Gail Robinson

Program Director for Service Learning

American Association of Community Colleges

One Dupont Circle NW, Suite 410

Washington, DC 20036

202 728 0200 ext. 254


AACC - the voice of community colleges


Examining Voice in Schools

Centering Community in Schools: Expressing Voice and Building Leadership

CalState EastBay



A research, practice and advocacy institute

February 27, 2010

From 8:30AM to 12 Noon

Arts and Education Building:  AE 1203


Overview and Purpose

This institute centers on understanding the role of voice in educational research, practice, and advocacy efforts around policy and governance. In particular, educators will wrestle with critical race theory notions of what voice is and how excluded voices hold keys to transforming educational communities. Community educators provide workshops that center voice in understanding and addressing racism, through focus on youth participatory action research, community and parental advocacy, and inquiry geared toward sustainable reform.


Participants will be exposed to a range of discussions and workshops dealing with youth and participatory research, parents and schools, systems change and voice, collaboration in learning communities, and addressing prejudice in community school relations.


Non-CSUEB educators are welcome to attend and are eligible to receive one academic unit for professional development credits through the University’s Extension Program. Contact information for enrollment


Course title:

EDLD 7805  Centering Community in Schools: Expressing Voice and Building Leadership.

Cost: $ 125.00



Chris Knaus at , or call to (510) 885-2904

Ginny Lee at  or call to 510-885-3012

Gilberto Arriaza at  or call to (510) 885 2905





Gilberto Arriaza, Ph. D.

Professor and Chair

Educational Leadership Department

College of Education

California State University East Bay

25800 Carlos Bee Blvd.

Hayward, CA 94542-3080

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Service-Learning Waste Reduction & Recycling Resources

As the 40th anniversary of EarthDay approaches this April, schools may be seeking environmental service-learning projects to help celebrate the event.  One of the easiest and most impactful sets of actions that students, schools, and communities can take to reduce the human impact on the environment is to reduce the amount of resources we waste, reuse materials and products rather than consuming disposables, increase the amount we recycle, and promote composting of organic materials (rot).


StopWaste.Org and the Alameda County Office of Education have collaborated for more than 10 years to implement the Service-Learning Waste Reduction Project.  We are pleased to announce a new website to support waste reduction through service-learning by sharing the tools and resources we have developed over the years:


The site includes a number of features including:


·         Educational videos to help teach the 4Rs (reduce, reuse recycle, rot)

·         Highlights of best practices from partner schools

·         A searchable database of teacher-generated service-learning lesson plans

·         Toolkits for organizing campus-wide waste reduction campaigns


Visitors may register (for free) to download and use materials, contribute new ideas, and more.


Feedback is welcome to help improve this new website.



Nate Ivy


Service-Learning Lead CalServe Region 4 |

Service-Learning Waste Reduction Project |


Alameda County Office of Education

313 W. Winton Ave., Room 220

Hayward, CA 94544-1198

Ph: 510.670.4283

Fax: 510.670.4578


Monday, February 8, 2010

Support Service-Learning With Professional Development -Webinar

Tune in to the next FREE live radio webcast to learn how to provide effective professional development for teachers in your school to use service-learning and other teaching strategies!

Solutions to the Dropout Crisis  

Promoting Powerful Professional Learning to Advance Student Achievement

  • Examine the vision and definition for professional development advocated by the National Staff Development Council
  • Improve teacher effectiveness by connecting NSDC's Standards for Staff Development to the professional development planning process

Tuesday, February 16, 2010
3:30 – 4:30 p.m. Eastern Time
Stephanie Hirsh, Executive Director, National Staff Development Council (NSDC)

Information about this free Webcast and a list of resources, including a PowerPoint, are available now at Get your questions ready now for Dr. Hirsh! This live call-in radio program is broadcast over the internet and written questions are also answered. Directions for participating are found on the Web site.

Registration is not necessary. Any questions? Call 864-656-2580 or email

If you are attending the At-Risk Youth National FORUM at Myrtle Beach, SC, you will get to meet Dr. Hirsh and be part of the live studio audience!

Presented by the National Dropout Prevention Center at Clemson University in partnership with Clemson Radio Productions, and with the generous support of Penn Foster.


Monday, February 1, 2010

Service-Learning & Afterschool

Materials from the Alameda County Office of Education’s service-learning workshops for afterschool programs, including training tools, links to planning materials, and 13 project/lesson plans is available free online at:



About Me

The CalServe Network posts news and updates of interest to the service-learning field in California. News and updates are drawn from the CalServe List Serve and the National K-12 Service-Learning List Serve and various other sources.