Monday, March 15, 2010

Service-Learning Grants

Captain Planet Foundation Grants (Deadline: March 31)

The Captain Planet Foundation (CPF) annually funds projects involving children and young adults. Recipients of these awards are often schools and non-profits that propose projects promoting understanding of environmental issues. These projects must include children and young adults (aged 6-18) and focus on hands-on involvement, interaction and cooperation within the group, development of planning and problem solving skills, and adult supervision. Generally, the monetary sum of awarded grants is between $250-2,500. 

Green America Awards (Deadline: April 1)

The Nature Hills Nursery Green America Awards will be presented to groups and organizations that are making a difference in their communities. Eligible applicants include community groups who are committed to improving their local environment by planting trees, bushes, and shrubs to make their communities a better place to live. One grand prize winner will receive $2,500 in plant materials. The first place winner will receive $1,500 in plant materials, and the second place winner $1,000 in plant materials. The plant materials can contain trees, fruit trees, bushes and shrubs, perennials, and vegetable seeds.

McCormick New Media Women Entrepreneurs Program (Deadline: April 10)
This program gives one-time funding of $12,000 to women with original ideas to create new websites, mobile news services, or other entrepreneurial initiatives that offer interactive opportunities to engage, inspire, and improve news and information in a geographic community or a community of interest. These can be solo ideas or team projects spearheaded by women.


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The CalServe Network posts news and updates of interest to the service-learning field in California. News and updates are drawn from the CalServe List Serve and the National K-12 Service-Learning List Serve and various other sources.